Hitch a Ride ... Hitch a Date with Death!
The story of man's inhumanity to man.
Please God, don't let him get caught.'
The ups, downs, ins and outs of starting over
Snake Fist Fighter Meets His Deadliest Enemies
The story of an impossible love.
Jubilee. It will excite your senses and terrify your soul!
Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry
Once in a generation, a work of art appears as if by magic, to move and inspire its audience. A work that returns to a exhausted humanity the possibility of simple grandeur. We invite you to visit a time and place when life was still a sacred matter. When the family of man was still - a family.
From the book that's an American tradition...from the smash-hit Broadway show...the entertainment of the year!