Фильмы и сериалы 1976 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1976 году
Маркиза фон О

Eric Rohmer's New Film

Дочь для Дьявола

Warning! This Motion Picture Contains The Most Shocking Scenes This Side Of Hell!

Под колпаком

Born with no immunity against disease, he lives in a plastic prison. Inside he is protected. Outside, there is the chance of death. But the chance of love.

На пути к славе

Woody Guthrie. his music has become as much a part of America as its mountains, its rivers, its forests and its people. His life has touched all our lives. This is his story.

Выжившие в Андах

The most shocking episode in the history of human survival.

Рейд на Энтеббе

The boldest rescue in history


She will open your eyes.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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