Спецназ против мафии. Брат против брата. 15 этажей ада
Born to Kill
Stand Your Ground
Взгляни на мир глазами своего врага
Being the adventures of a young man ... who couldn't resist pretty girls ... or a bit of the old ultra-violence ... went to jail, was re-conditioned ... and came out a different young man ... or was he ?
What happens when make-believe believes it's real?
Лучшие друзья. Отличные полицейские. Преступность обречена
As boys, they made a pact to share their fortunes, their loves, their lives. As men, they shared a dream to rise from poverty to power. Forging an empire built on greed, violence and betrayal, their dream would end as a mystery that refuse to die
Риск. Власть. Искушение
Криминальная сага Лос-Анджелеса
The Horror… The Horror…
Part man. Part machine. All cop. The future of law enforcement
To Unravel A Murder, You Have To Strip It To The Bone
Darker than the bat
May the Best Man Live
His whole life was a million-to-one shot
На этот раз без компромиссов
An ordinary place, an extraordinary thriller
By his wounds, we were healed.