Нереальные приключения реального героя
Plug into the adventure!
Gotta always somehow make good outta what can poison you.
...is he or isn't she?
Даже рыбы смеются над ними!
The Greatest Event in Motion Picture History
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them ...and then there are others.
At last, a comedy that bites!
For Carl, salvation turned out to be a tight squeeze!
Raccoons: Furry Friends or Masked Menace?
A Riot from Rio!
The storm of global proportions is coming!
Thirsty for justice, she'll settle for blood.
Shock Show of the Year!
Вот что на самом деле творится в летнем лагере
Color, creatures, music, sound like you've never seen or heard before. It's the wildest trip ever animated. It's a treat for the whole family. It's... PHANTASMAGORICAL!