Sherlock Holmes' Most Terrifying Adventure!
Wanted By Two Women! One For Love! One For Murder!
DIFFERENT...DRAMATIC...DARING! (original print media ad - all caps)
"She's the one for that bullet--not me!" - Night train West---carrying two mystery women. The secret of one can blast the crime syndicate wide open---and the key killers dare not let it happen!
Everything Happens In The Yellow Rolls Royce!
He believed in Love . . . Honor . . . and Obey - That Impulse!
Nothing could be funnier! (Posters).
From the Secrets of WOMAN'S LOVE-LIFE comes this Heart-stopping story of DEVOTION! SACRIFICE! SHAME!
Dr. Mabuse is on the loose !
The Year's most Outspoken Picture
Sherlock Holmes unveils the secrecy of Jack the Ripper - clue by clue - murder by murder.
Hollywood's Most Famous Bad Man Joins the 'G-MEN' and Halts the March of Crime!
M-G-M's HILARIOUS HIT! (original print ad - mostly caps)
The truth won't lie still forever.