He had someone on the side, so did she!
En dansk Sensations-Film
DYNAMIC! (original print ad - caps only)
The Looniest, Tuniest Musical Gag-And-Gal Show Since «A Night At The Opera»
«See You on Flamingo Road»
The F.B.I.'s own tense, terrific story behind the protection of the ATOMIC BOMB!
Ethel Waters (Famed Torch Singer)
NOT SUITABLE FOR GENERAL EXHIBITION (Australian one-sheet poster)
She's One Mean Mama!
Here's just what the doctor ordered... To make you laugh yourself healthy!
Success. Scandal. Sex. Tragedy. Infamy. And that's just the first reel...
He's the BIGGEST CHISELER since MICHAELANGELO! Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Were PIKERS compared ti this RED-HAIRED SON-OF-A-GUN!