Brace yourself. This politician is about to tell the truth!
Where nightmares and reality meet on the street
THRILL to the greatest train wreck ever filmed ..a whole train in terrible collision with a huge 50,000-gallon water tower...smashed to bits! (print ad - Lubbock Evening Journal - Palace Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - May 9, 1939)
It could happen anywhere!
Можно ли укрыться от своего прошлого?
Сказание о Великой Американской мечте
No Radar. No Contact. No Control.
The Frog brothers are back for blood
ex wife
One American's Journey into the Truth
There are many ways to be seduced. Fame. Power. Love. Joe Tynan knows them all.
A spirited romance.
Too Handsome. Too Young. Too Liberal. Doesn't have a chance. He's PERFECT!
Comedy so gay...drama so so will be the talk of OUR town! (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - October 4, 1942)
'Only 'THE MORE THE MERRIER' has a DINGLE! (original Card B poster)
Musician. Humanitarian. National Threat.
When you cross them... you cross the line...
It's going to take a dead man to save the country...from a death merchant's dream of destruction!
Get ready to get dirty
Frightening, fascinating, evil or good?