Special has been redefined
So you think life was quieter in the old days...? THINK AGAIN!
Crossing the line between men and beasts
There are worse crimes than killing a person
Унесенный женщиной...
Dead Women Tell No Tales Was The Motto of This Charming Lady Killer !
Да здравствует соблазнение, к чёрту любовь!
His Quest for Vengeance... May Cost Him Everything.
By mistake they killed his wife and child - THAT was a hell of a mistake!
Chaos begins when the heat rises...
Are you down for some Tinseltown partying?
You may rest assured that there's trouble, because Inspector Clouseau is on the case. (That's the trouble.)
In a city of nine million people is there room for one honest man?
Her name is Breezy, and love was all they had in common
Meet Wendell Tvedt. Would you believe he's about to become America's #1 hunk? What happens to him, could happen to you!
Never cross the line.