If she can't have him, no one can.
What Wendy just saw them do will make you sick to your stomach...if it doesn't make you faint first!
This was the night when the naked fury of the McLaines flamed out with consuming vengeance across a terrorized land!
En film om rodløshed, frihed og kærlighed.
Rainbow Brite lights up the screen in her first big movie.
...thank God they're somebody else's!
Earth Will Never Be The Same!
There are 2 sides to every story
Never was a treasure so sought after, an adventure so unforgettable, a friendship so unexpected.
A woman made for love . . . but whose service to humanity became her destiny!
The ultimate adventure in space
Where Evil Is Born
She's Saving The World One Family At A Time
Always man and the jungle have been at conflict. Man hacks away at the jungle and builds his cities. But today-tomorrow-next year-or a hundred years from now- the jungle swallows the cities and they are no more. (Print Ad-Daily Times, ((Longmont, Colo.)) 12 November 1927)