They were the odd couple who later became the grumpiest old men. Now they're taking it to the high seas.
For 66 years, evil has been watching, waiting, and wanting for someone to play with its toys.
Mankind's deadliest threat...HAS ARRIVED FROM THE SKIES
A Canvas of People, Politics, Passion, and Pirandello.
A MUSICAL FANTASY(print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche -Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas- September 26, 1946 - all caps)
She's the New Horror from Hammer!
The Frog brothers are back for blood
She can remember only fear!
They are still here.
Where the dead live
Murder is a Family Affair
Bring a big appetite
There's a new police force on the streets... and they only come out at night.
A Monster With the Power to Turn Living Screaming Flesh Into Stone!
EVEN THOSE WHO LOVED HIM WERE NOT SAFE! (original print ad - all caps)