A stiff drink. A little mascara. A lot of nerve. Who said they couldn't bring down the Soviet empire.
Rough, tough Chuck Tatum, who battered his way to the top ... trampling everything in his path - men, women and morals !
Men followed him. Women worshiped him. Rome trembled before him.
Один за всех и все за одного
Большой переполох в маленьком семействе
Приятного апокалипсиса
Hope They Never MEET...Pray They Never MATE
When the nation was in need, he inspired them to give us hope.
Reading, Writing, Revenge
Corrupts Absolutely
Сегодня милосердие умрёт вместе с её прошлым
And now for something completely digital...
Putting The "F" Back In Freedom.
Время проливает свет на все
A medal for honor. A search for justice. A battle for truth
Он хотел быть Джоном Готти и Лаки Лучиано в одном лице, и ради этого он утопил город в крови
Are we what we eat?