"We are the hollow men in this last of meeting places we grope together and avoid speech. Gathered on this beach of the torrid river." - used by permission from THE HOLLOW MEN by T.S. Eliot
Rock and roll will never die
Captured. On Film.
Куда ведут эти ступени?
The Epic Fall of the American Indian
A grand saga of timeless love
Hours ago... Minutes ago.... These men were behind barbed wire
They came. They saw. They came.
Три года он шел через всю Сибирь и Среднюю Азию. Он преодолел 14 тысяч километров, и каждый шаг мог стать для него последним
How do you get the world's attention?
Trapped by the underworld . . . they risked love and fortune in a desperate gamble!
Feelings get you killed.
It Electrified Dad! It Terrified Mother! It Will Amuse You!
Не относись к этому так серьезно, детка!
Turbulent were the times and fiery was the love story of Zhivago, his wife and the passionate, tender Lara
The Cruel Hand of Intolerance