I just want to be perfect.
Он – одинокий, забытый человек, отчаянно пытающийся доказать что он - ВЫЖИВЕТ
Ни на миг не упускать ее из вида. Ни на секунду не терять бдительность. Не позволить себе в нее влюбиться
Фрейд против Юнга
Самый влиятельный человек в мире
If THE EXORCIST made you shudder, CARRIE will make you scream
The one thing friends can't escape is a few home truths.
You may only see it once, but that will be enough
...When she got there she met the brute Stan, and the side of New Orleans she hardly knew existed
On the other side of drinks, dinner and a one night stand, lies a terrifying love story.
When Charlie Bartlett listens everyone talks.
Bertolucci's Masterpiece about Sex and Politics
A classic chiller of the «Psycho» school!
Australia's First International Hit!
...A totally corrupt shocker from the author of 'Sleuth' and 'Frenzy'!
Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize Winning Story.
X was never like this
If you want to know how this man made a movie out of this book... "Everything you always wanted to know about sex* - *But Were Afraid to Ask" you'll have to see the movie!