...and now the screen is struck by lightning !
A Distinguished Event!
WARNER BROS. Supreme Triumph ! ! !
Two bachelors. One apartment. Zero in common.
They Couldn't Wait To Get In. Now It's Hilarious Trying To Get Out! (DVD)
Во Вьетнаме их было трое. Домой вернулись двое. И только один - живым
The story of the greatest lover who ever lived, died, and lived again
Making love was easy...being in love difficult.
Together...in Ingrid's first comedy and Cary's best. Gay and glittering goings-on of a glamorous actress and an amorous diplomat...two oh-so-sophisticated people who tried to lie to each other. Deluxe and delightful.
Dedicated to the Legion of Women Who, Without Uniforms, Flags or Glory, Follow Their Men Into Danger and Death! (Print Ad- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, ((Pittsburgh, Penna.)) 5 December 1930)
The prize winning comedy-drama of a young girl's passionate love for life!...
Many voices. One poem.