Bogart...In a new type of action role!
In the middle of the twentieth century, you fall off the brink of time!
Germany, 1944, Christmas Eve. Sometimes The Darkest Moments Giver Birth To The Brightest Miracles.
An Earthquake of Entertainment!
Deadline has a new meaning.
A Hot Comedy About Cold Cash.
They ravaged the South for 4 long years! Man-woman fury marks every mile!
Life. Love. And a little payback
IN A WORLD AS DIFFERENT AS NIGHT AND DAY! (original ad - all caps)
It Shocks the Unshockables!
They're coming to feed on the unborn.
Almost a love story.
Trapped by a man beyond control!
They tore his body. They buried his pride. But they forgot his old uniform, his Sharps rifle, and his Buffalo gun. Find Tanner, El Segundo, and the 16 others. And tell them Valdez is coming.
Evil prevails