Revolution is the only lawful, equal, effectual war. It was in Russia that this war was declared and begun.
When Andy met Edie, life imitated art
To win a war, you have to start one.
Panic feeds on fear.
A detective story
They never thought they'd be famous, but they always thought they'd be friends
A Fish-Out-Of-Water Comedy
Some people follow their dreams. Others steal them
Bob's a special kind of friend. The kind that drives you crazy!
From The Makers Of "Halloween"
Любовь неизбежна
Время полного отрыва!
They Danced Till They Dropped
Who Decides Who Gets A Second Chance?
Hello, gorgeous!
If someone you loved mysteriously vanished how far out of your mind would you go to find them?
Where Heroes Are Born And Legends Are Made
"We are the hollow men in this last of meeting places we grope together and avoid speech. Gathered on this beach of the torrid river." - used by permission from THE HOLLOW MEN by T.S. Eliot
JOHN CARPENTER, who startled the world with «Halloween,» now brings you the ultimate experience in terror
The one movie this fall that will put a smile on your face.