Almost a love story.
Великая Китайская революция
The amazing story of the fourteenth Dalai Lama
A relentless leader is the greatest weapon of war.
The incredible attack on Pearl Harbor.
Before this train reaches the next station it will become the scene of the most spectacular hijack ever attempted
It is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.
There's no crisis situation they can't handle ... unless it involves each other.
You only really know what you have when you're about to lose it.
Когда любовь переживает историю
They say the Nile still runs red from the Battle of Khartoum!
This is the face of a MAFIOSO...sometimes smiling, sometimes savage. Here is the story of a man who returns to his native Sicily for a holiday and finds himself again bound to the silent laws of «The Honored Society.»
The truth couldn't fit in the headlines.