By his wounds, we were healed.
Они всего лишь дети...
These are the last seven days of Laura Palmer
The most controversial film of the twentieth century has just become the most controversial film of the twenty first century
A film by David Lynch
100% medically INaccurate.
The mother of all cannibal films
Открой мне свою дверь... И я проникну к тебе в душу!
After it was all over... she waited... then she struck back in a way only a woman can!
Остаться в живых - значит умереть...
Он пришел из другого мира, чтобы разрушить этот
Not every monster lives in the wild
Al Pacino is Cruising for a killer.
King of Japanese Grotesque Movie
Ai wa, kanari itai. (Love really hurts.)
Class Dismissed
Victor Crowley Lives Again
Sore de wa minasan, sayonara