A Masterpiece of Romance...An Immortal Love Drama...A Never-to-be Forgotten Story Enacted by Three Great Stars..! (Print Ad, Philadelphia Inquirer, ((Philadelphia Penna.)) 29 August 1935)
Two brothers out to save everyone else. But they couldn't save each other.
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Greatest of all spectacles!
The miracle Picture of all Time! THE WORLD'S GREATEST STORY WITH THE WORLD'S GREATEST CAST (Print Ad-Daily Colonist, ((Victoria, BC)) 24 December 1933)
Two strangers made friends by a savage land. Two friends made enemies by the civilized world.
У нас все ходы записаны
MR. and MRS. MINIVER together again
Stripped of everything - they lived and loved and fought as if there were no tomorrow...
If YOU Are Squeamish Stay Home!!!
Mellow as a mint julep and twice as refreshing.
Watch the landlord get his.
They dared to challenge the unknown...