Fear Has A New Home!
What kind of man would return year after year for ten years to rescue a missing boy from the most savage jungle in the world? His father.
In the future, life will be a dream. And reality a nightmare.
Деньги. Секс. Власть
All Singing! All Dancing! All Flesh Eating!
Сюрпризное меню для истинных гурманов...
There is no escape from NIGHT OF THE ZOMBIES!
Adult Horror!
There's no such thing as a small affair.
Young. Wild. Hungry.
За чертой Апокалипсиса
A Feast of Sensuous Entertainment!
Тьма охватывает нас, когда уходит вера
The Nightmare Becomes Reality
Johnny would give an arm and a leg to date Missy. Well, maybe just an arm
You might just die...laughing!
SARDU: he was the creator -- the director -- the master!