His path to enlightenment began with revenge...
Cable Hogue says..."Do unto others... as you would have others do unto you."
A-B-C... F-U!
Angel by day... armed & dangerous by night.
Here for all!! All the happiness of the play that ran longer, the laughs that were louder than any known before!
Once in a generation, a work of art appears as if by magic, to move and inspire its audience. A work that returns to a exhausted humanity the possibility of simple grandeur. We invite you to visit a time and place when life was still a sacred matter. When the family of man was still - a family.
SAMUEL GOLDWYN presents America's Own Musical!
Fed up with the system. Ticked off at the establishment. And mad about... each other.
Escape To The Unknown!
In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines...
A brazzle dazzle extravagazzle.
He's Got The Golden Touch!
POWER! He loved it! He took it raw in big gulpfuls...he liked the taste, the way it mixed with the bourbon and the sin in his blood!
Saving the day the ninja way
No one makes it alone