From the most unexpected place, comes a bold new call for peace
A Scanda-Laugh Fest!
An adventure of the heart.
Love is only the beginning.
Королевы не отступают перед превратностями судьбы
Another Film of Unusual Merit!
Romeo and Juliet, Bob and Bing, Ulysses and Grant, George and Martha, Martha and John, Bob and Carol, Ted and Alice, Bob and Alice, Ted and Carol, Bob and Ted, Carol and Alice, Pat and Dick, Julie and David, Byron and His Sister, Bill and Coo, Liz and Eddie, Liz and Mike, Liz and Dick, Dick and Sybil, Eddie and Debbie, Muck and Meyer, Hollywood and Vine, Anthony and Cleopatra, and now Henry & Henrietta... the love couple of the seventies... and the laugh riot of the year.
Personal! Powerful! Human! Heroic!