It can now be said: 1. Apart from its widespread critical acclaim, it has provoked more discussion, interest and excitement than any other picture in memory. 2. People want to see it - in unprecedented numbers. In its first engagements it has shattered every record in the history of all theatres involved. 3. It has become a significant and extraordinary entertainment event. It is truly a unique motion picture.
A romantic film amorously devoted to every man who ever gave the back of his hand to his beloved...and to every woman who deserved it!
Секс - это движущая сила
Life. Family. Love
Мальчик резвый, кудрявый, влюбленный, не пора ли мужчиною быть?!..
The raciest love battle in years! A wild, witty whirlwind of hysterics..! (Print Ad-Meriden Daily Journal, ((Meriden, Conn.)) 21 February 1940)
She was the first of her kind. He was the last of his
Romance. Mischief. Seduction. Revenge. Remarkable.
Хорошего много не бывает
The most significant reserved seat attraction of the year!
Откровенная нагота тела… Неприкрытая нагота души…
Hired killers by day. Devoted lovers by night. Until they found their next assignment was each other
Некоторые тайны лучше не знать
Two Oscar Winning Stars Combine With An Oscar Winning Director
Say this is love
Russ Meyer's ode to the violence in women
The story of the greatest evil ever known to man... His ex-wife.