Flesh Ripped clean to the Bone... And the Blood runs Red...
On April 18th 1987, Sarah Tobias stops for a drink at a bar called The Mill.
Last year's No.1 best-seller ... This year's No.1 motion picture.
"If God could do the things that we can do, he'd be a happy man . . ."
He seemed like such a nice guy.. He pretty much kept to himself...
Enough excitement to even eclipse James Bond
Comes just before the fall.
The most controversial film you will see this year.
Their world is a two-lane blacktop - no beginning... no end... no speed limit!
If every man thinks of sex once every nine minutes, what does he think of the other eight?
Dare to rock the boat.
Gambling for high stakes!
How do you love someone, if you don't show who you are?
When two people love, one always loves more.
Welcome home...to the end of the world