You'd like to say - IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE!... but every jolting scene is TRUE!!
Est-ce qu'on aime vraiment nos enfants autant qu'on le prétend?
Pray for the last man alive. Because he's not alone.
He loved her. He lost her. He won't let her memory die... until it tells him who killed her
It's nine times more suspenseful!
History is made at night
The best there was!
A new dimension of fear
Как выжить белому человеку на чёрном континенте?
There's always a way out. You just have to find it.
In everyone's life there's a "Summer of '42"
A picture as excitingly different as its title!
A journey of the heart. The adventure of their lives.
From the Man Who Made "The Best Picture of 1941"
Every town has its secrets
We live at the abyss.
When a woman has the beauty men admire and women is wise to tread carefully.
It takes more than guns to kill a man