Американский солдат

Полный список кино, фильмов и сериалов, которые были найдены по запросу «американского солдата»
Последний замок

Настоящий солдат всегда остаётся солдатом...

Военно-полевой госпиталь

You're not a real M*A*S*H fan until you've seen the original. (1982 re-release)


Their innocence. Their heritage. Their lives. Nothing would be spared in the fight for their freedom.

Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса

Before the world discovered Indiana, Indiana discovered the world

Замужество Марии Браун

The Marriage Of Maria Braun. . . the marriage lasted no longer than half a day and a full night.


Direct from its sensational reserved seat engagement.

Рядовой Бенджамин

The Army was no laughing matter until Judy Benjamin joined it.

Мост слишком далеко

Out of the sky comes the screen's most incredible spectacle of men and war!

Тора! Тора! Тора!

The incredible attack on Pearl Harbor.


The anti-war satire of epic proportions.

Добровольцы поневоле

Today's army needs men of courage... honesty... integrity... ambition. Instead, they got John Winger.

Игра изменилась

Politics would never be the same.

Грязная дюжина

D-Day Began When The Dirty Dozen Were Done!


Reality Can Be Sicker Than Nightmares

Высота «Гамбургер»

War at its worst. Men at their Best.

Кинозвезда в погонах

The Few. The Proud. The Blonde.

Самый длинный день

42 International Stars!

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