THE STORY OF who disturbed the sleeping dragon of China as the world watched in terror!
The Odds Against Them Were 10,000 to 1...But What the Hell!
The story of the extraordinary people who changed our world.
A handful of men and women held out against the frenzied hordes of bloodthirsty fanatics!
Unlike anything you've ever seen before
Another Film of Unusual Merit!
They had to be the toughest fighting force on earth - and the men who led them had to be just a little bit tougher!
Reality is only the beginning.
Thus ended the last great German stand in the West.
Every fight is personal
Это больше не миссия спасения. Это война
The year's most dramatic book...the year's most distinguished picture!
The brutal realities that faced every G.I. during World War II
All The Riotous Fun Of The Prize-Winning Stage Comedy!
The Winner Takes All... And More.
They Take War To A New Dimension.