What is the one memory you would take with you?
Bronson At His Brutal Best!
Worlds apart...theirs was the daring love affair violating every rule, every custom, every centuries-old belief!
There is a time for heroes
In the heat of battle not all soldiers can be heroes
The rules of the dogfight were simple: Everyone puts in fifty bucks. And the guy with the ugliest "date" wins.
The feeding begins.
A Nation Forged In Blood
Они не знали, за что умирали
The death battle of the sub-killer and the killer-sub !
America's Greatest Modern Hero! Timelier today than ever... thrilling and inspiring story of the kind of men that America is made of!
Когда восстанавливать справедливость лучше с помощью бронетехники
24 Hours is the Difference Between Life and Death.
They were alone on this Pacific Island... trapped behind enemy lines... the marine who had been thru Hell and Sister Angela with her supreme faith in God.