Задание: набрать высоту и уничтожить дирижабль противника
Do you ever really know the one you love?
Do you see the sun?
A woman's kiss . . . A lighted cigarette - Each had Its meaning! An exciting and realistic story of war . . . of German Prisoners Sent Back Behind Their Own Lines as Agents of the Allies!
So mighty a love story it swayed the fate of nations. (Print Ad- Union-Democrat, ((Sonora, Calif.)) 28 September 1929)
Há momentos em que a única solução é desobedecer.
Stealing jewels for profit . . . and hearts for pleasure!
At 22 he gained a throne and saved a kingdom
On April 21, 1918, the Red Baron of Germany and the Black Sheep of the R.A.F. met in the skies of France for the last time!
History's biggest battles brought to life like you've never seen them before.
Germany, 1944, Christmas Eve. Sometimes The Darkest Moments Giver Birth To The Brightest Miracles.
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