One Kiss taught her to kill...taught him to love! (Print Ad-Philadelphia Inquirer, ((Philadelphia, Penna.)) 21 May 1944)
A woman and a boy find a way to inflict pleasure upon another!
America's Pioneer Heroes Come To Life !
TYRONE POWER Leading his Submarine crew...blasting his was to glory in his farewell role for the duration! (Print Ad-Greenfield Recorder-Gazette, ((Greenfield, Mass.)) 31 July 1943)
Even in the darkest of times there is light
In a World War II desert stand-off, two superpowers will be tested...
Killer Bogart takes the Gestapo for a ride!
It speaks to you in the language of love, laughter and tears !...
The Major was used to having his way - and he meant to take this lovely iceberg - by force if necessary
The cry was MUTINY... and the decks ran red!...
A bomb disposal detachment in Afghanistan
RiCKY NELSON Your No. 1 Singing Star hits the high C's in...The WACKiEST SHiP in the ARMY