RAW LIFE! REAL LIFE! RECKLESS LIFE! (re-release print ad - all caps)
Conflicts that freeze your emotions! Suspense that takes your breath!
He Doesn't Trust Anyone . . . especially Women !
SHE BELIEVES IN TWO THINGS...-love and violence! (original poster)
How the F.B.I. took a chance on a B-girl...and won!
His gun was a one-way ticket thru the doorway to hell! (Print Ad- The Standard-Union,((Brooklyn, NY)) 24 January 1931)
An "unthinkable" theme
With all my heart I still love the man I killed
Twins! One who loves... and one who loves to kill!
Beautifully Outspoken!
Lover without a heart...killer without a conscience!
Mark Hellinger's POWER PACKED PICTURE! (re-release print ad - mostly caps)
The love story of a man whose wife was more woman than angel!
Two words whispered, two men dead...
Whisper HER NAME
Only a woman's heart could reach out for such a man!
The Suspense is Almost Unbearable ... in this Four-Award Thriller !
"If you're smart you'll come down - if you're dumb you'll be dead..." (one-sheet poster)
Exploding! Like a gun in your face!