Им наконец повезло!
Le sang versé ne sèche jamais (Spilt blood doesn't dry)
Зона - это проверка на прочность
Хорошего парня больше нет
Dalton's the best bouncer in the business. His nights are filled with fast action, hot music and beautiful women. It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it
Vengeance knows no mercy.
120 Minuten purer Nervenkitzel (120 minutes of pure thrills)
Когда весь мир восстал против тебя, и уже...
Беспощадное зло… Бешеная ярость… Благородная месть…
This is revenge... And there's nothing sweet about it!
For Shane Daniels fighting for freedom is a way of life
Он один против армии врагов
As you've never seen it before
This time he has to choose.
How far would you go to chase a dream?
Justice is Blind. So is Vengeance.
The Epic Tale of Supernatural Vengeance Takes Flight Again