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Месть будет красивой
Putting The "F" Back In Freedom.
Six times the terror... Six times the fear... Six times the thrills...
D-Day Is Coming
There are 4 billion people on earth. 237 are Scanners. They have the most terrifying powers ever created... and they are winning.
No One Knows Where It Came From. No One Knows Who Sent It. And It Chooses Who Lives And Dies. (DVD 01)
Dangerous things come in small packages...
New York has a new problem
This Time Terror Comes From Below
Through the Gates of Hell they came...from
Прощайся с миром живых...
In outer space they unleashed a force more evil than the world had ever imagined!..
Тайна древнего проклятия...
Un-Dead at 30,000 Feet
In the prison of the future, criminal justice will have a deadly twist.
Поймай ее, если сможешь
Live Dead Nudes
You'll Die Laughing