Once Upon A Time In China A New Hero Emerged...
America's Greatest Modern Hero! Timelier today than ever... thrilling and inspiring story of the kind of men that America is made of!
It is a place 8ft wide, 600 miles long, man-made and God-forsaken.
THE STORY OF MEN...men who disturbed the sleeping dragon of China as the world watched in terror!
100% Over-The-Top Action!
The Odds Against Them Were 10,000 to 1...But What the Hell!
A handful of men and women held out against the frenzied hordes of bloodthirsty fanatics!
Mel Gibson blasting his way to hell and back
Barbaric Splendor - Gasping Magnitude - Adventure !
A new Tarzan for a new generation.
Unlike anything you've ever seen before
The Grand Adventure of the Year!
Holmes vs. Monster!
Real Adventure! Real Life in the Raw! (from re-release print ad)
Chapter 18 in the Complete Adventures of Indiana Jones
They're Tobacco Chewin', Gut Chompin', Cannibal Kinfolk from Hell!