The most daring film import ever...from Japan!
MYSTERY IN WHISPERS that cracks like THUNDER! (original print ad - many caps)
Nothing is scarier than the truth
Le chef-d'oeuvre de René Clair
Exquisite Yearning ! . . . Exotic Living ! High in a hidden mountain village of a strange land and extravagant dreams and desires become exciting realities !
An Aria of Terror from the Maestro of Horror - Dario Argento
The Occult Forces. The Ritual Murder. The Sinister Storms. The Prophetic Dreams. The Last Wave.
Tonight, while the world is asleep... an ancient evil is about to awaken.
Get ready for the ride of your life.
If only I can feel you....even as the wind
Actually filmed by M-G-M on safari...amid authentic scenes of unrivalled savagery and awe-inspiring splendor!
The living dead are here, and they're lusting for blood - yours!
Only HITCHCOCK could direct...Only LAUGHTON could act in this mighty drama of unbridled passions (Print Ad-Newburgh News, ((Newburgh, NY)) 5 December 1939)
In the heart of an outcast he found his destiny. In the passion of an outsider she found her home.
THEY WERE ALL DRAWN TO THE KEEP. The soldiers who brought death. The father and daughter fighting for life. The people who have always feared it. And the one man who knows its secret... THE KEEP Tonight, they will all face the evil.