Another great detective classic in the tradition of "High and Low" by the same director!
It's not a game.
The spy story of the century...
The Powerful Talking Picture
If they knew the city was this crazy, they would have stayed in the asylum.
Не в то время. Не в том месте. Не в той компании
What happens when you're a N.Y. cop sent to France to bust a dope ring and... You can't speak French. The French cops hate you. Your own people have set you up... YOU EXPLODE!
The mob wanted Harlem back. They got Shaft...up to here.
You just found out that you have 24 hours to live. What are YOU going to do?
Рок, страсть и беспредел
A Psycho-Sexual Study in Murder!
Как насчёт острых ощущений?
The inside story of London after dark.
From the Film Maker Who Gave You "A Man and a Woman"
There's no such thing as adventure and romance, only trouble and desire.
One way in, no way out