Они не знакомы. У них разные судьбы. Но у них одна тайна
Игра со страстью не знает правил
Cruise. Kidman. Kubrick.
How do you wake up from a nightmare if you're not asleep?
Судьба оставляет свой отпечаток
A picture that goes beyond what men think about - because no man ever thought about it in quite this way!
This October, fall in love with fate.
Честный поединок один на один
У каждой семьи есть свои мрачные секреты
Детки веселятся. Обходи этот пляж стороной
A medal for honor. A search for justice. A battle for truth
A film about humanity.
OUR OPERATOR SAYS.."IT'S GOING TO BE A PLEASURE TO RUN "MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON" 5 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY, NOV.7) (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Cactus Theatre - Lubbock Texas - November 2, 1938 - all caps)
Tender...frankly adult. Filled with almost every emotion known to man
Four Went. Three came back. Only one of them knows what happened.
It was the look in her eyes that did it! How could he resist? How could he know it meant MURDER?
He's coming to save the world!
Meet "The Unholy Five"...The Most Befuddled Set of Assorted Thugs That Ever Fouled Up a Million Dollar Bank Robbery!!
Two best friends from childhood are haunted by the ghosts of their past.
The things she does to men can end only one way - in murder!