A story of two killers with different ideals...
Pow . . . Power . . . Brainpower
Five men. They appreciate each other's guts and wisdom, and they are always perfect partners in missions. But now, they'll have to hold their pistols at each other...
NOW! For Those Who Missed It! AGAIN! For Those Who Saw It...and Can't Forget It!
The Scars of war last forever
In the Colombian jungle there is no place to hide
Hollywood's Most Famous Bad Man Joins the 'G-MEN' and Halts the March of Crime!
The Magnificent Seven Ride Again!
Right now... a cinematic gem unlike any other in the world... a computer-anime... has just been finished!
The Fight For Freedom Never Ends
If you steal $300,000 from the mob, it's not robbery. It's suicide.
Wherever you've been... Whatever you've seen... You've never run into anything like Warlock.
A high octane thriller... Enemy of the State meets Exit Wounds