The Most Deceitful Man A Woman Ever Loved !
Biting, Gnawing Terror Claws at Your Brain!
...the best-seller that tells Gloria's story...from first man to last!
Who is this man ? And what is he doing ? Who Cares. But don't miss my new movie...
The second movie rated "V" for violence.
Your hairdresser does it better...
TRACY'S CRAZY ABOUT HEPBURN...but she's too busy! (Print Ad- Newmarket Era and Express, ((Newmarket, PO)) 23 July 1942)
Mark Hellinger's POWER PACKED PICTURE! (re-release print ad - mostly caps)
"I'll get the things I want out of life, one way or another...from one man to another!"
A ruthless killer, an ex-cop and an ex-hooker. Two's company, three's a crime.
Every Suspenseful Moment...Every Embrace...Every Kiss - A Breathtaking Experience!
BROADWAY'S BIGGEST a perfectly swell motion picture!
A cop is turning. Nobody's safe.
Brilliant In Cast And Story