Hare stops to show off, and the slower Tortoise wins the race.
A Spike Lee joint.
Have a drink, mate? Have a fight, mate? Have a taste of dust and sweat, mate? There's nothing else out here.
Animation Beyond Imagination
Charlie will be seen all by himself in a side-splitting NEW 1916 MUTUAL «ONE A.M.» See Charlie coming home late and finding things. A Novelty in modern pictures. (Print Ad-The Urbana Democrat,((Urbana, Ohio)) 23 December 1916)
They were led by a man...A man called SATAN who needed blood to ride!
The World's Favorite Bed-Time Story is Finally a Bed-Time Story...
What happens backstage is always true drama. And often pure comedy.
Ride across the sea inside the GIANT PINK SEA SNAIL!
In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines...
Here's stark, spell-binding drama...raw, human, fervent...speaking right out -- pulling no punches...a dramatic thunderbolt that will shock you right out of your smugness!