Just one pillow on her bed ... and just one desire in her heart!
Nothing is more desirable or more deadly than a woman with a secret
Warner Bros. hit a new high in high adventure... bringing another best-seller to the screen!
When intimacy is forbidden and passion is a sin, love is the most defiant crime of all
По следам Индианы Джонса
An existential comedy
Любить его сложно, убить ещё сложнее...
The Biggest, Roughest, Toughest ...and Most Beautiful Picture Ever Made!
He's back! Mickey Mouse - in his first new motion picture in 30 years...
M-G-M's Laugh Riot !
Alfred Hitchcock, who gave you «Foreign Correspondent» and «Rebecca», creates his most romantic mystery hit!
It's only a matter of time
One City. Three Stories Tall
OUR OPERATOR SAYS.."IT'S GOING TO BE A PLEASURE TO RUN "MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON" 5 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY, NOV.7) (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Cactus Theatre - Lubbock Texas - November 2, 1938 - all caps)