Evil chose her
You can escape anything but your destiny.
Who lit the fuse that tore Harold's world apart?
Если во время просмотра у Вас не пробежит мороз по коже, значит, у Вас уже НЕТ кожи!
Hope lives...because the evidence never dies
For years the people of Gotham have wondered "Who is HE?" Now they are asking "Who is SHE?"
There's no greater battle... Than the battle for your life.
Вы бы заплатили... чтобы она родила вашего ребенка?
In the deep night, if you live alone, don't look in the mirror!
Live everyday like it's your last.
The evil awaits in the other side
You Haven't Got A Prayer.
Guaranteed! The 8 greatest shocks ever filmed!
«Ring» Posed The Mystery... Now «The Spiral» Provides The Grim Solution
The spy story of the century...
A Wicked Good Time!