Ценою в целую жизнь
Что, если бы мы могли жить вечно?
Some things are worth fighting for
Когда в аду не хватит места - мертвецы выйдут на землю...
What is a ghost?
Save the World One Child at a Time.
Не верь никому. Обмани всех
I want us to be brothers again, like we used to be.
Последние 10 дней жизни Гитлера
In memory, love lives forever
1 свидетель... 118 минут...
Так началась знаменитая игра
Between the worlds of the living and the dead there is a place you're not supposed to stay
Welcome To The Suck
If hate sends men to war, then it must be love that brings them home. ( Moviepix Canada)
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It will live in your heart forever!
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The Greatest Motion Picture Ever Made...Has Been Made