A Tune Swept Show of Love on the Go!
The fantastic story of the sinking of the Titanic based on the book by Walter Lord.
The days of innocence have passed. They must make their choices like men. But at what costs? Is blood really thicker than water?
OK. Say, Jones and Barry are doin' a show! - That's great. Jones and Barry are doin' a show.
Come On, Everybody, Let's Go On the Town!
Über das Leben, die Liebe und den Klang des Schnees.
The egos. The battles. The words. The music. The women. The scandals.
In life he was a movie star, in death he became a legend.
Based on the story of GEORGE M. COHAN with the Greatest of all his Great Music
All of life is salt water ... tears, sweat and the sea
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The Happiest Musical Ever Made is Irving Berlin's Easter Parade
True love, midnight visions and stacking rocks.