Evil cuts both ways.
Royalty meets reality.
Everybody will feel his pain November 6
И мёртвые восстанут
Целый мир твоими глазами
It's not where you start - It's where you start again
You never know who's going to be your wake-up call
When is the last time a movie made you beg for mercy?
Get Moore!
The funniest movie ever to make you cry.
Воображение - магия
No one can escape the sins of the past
Stay out of the swamp
Время проливает свет на все
Life can be as sweet as you make it
When there's more trouble than one man can handle...there's more than one man for the job
Нет ничего опаснее мужчины, которому нечего терять
He Never Hurt A Soul Until The Day He Died
Он мечтает о новом будущем, но прошлое не намерено расставаться с ним