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She's Bad... Bring Her Home.
New York. New Season. New Night. (2nd Season Tagline)
Anything that makes people happy can't be bad, can it?
Fear of Commitment meet Fear of Abandonment...
She has 24 hours to convince the guy of her dreams that she's the girl of his
A man who believed in war! A man who believed in nothing! And a woman who believed in both of them!
So Many Mr. Wrongs. So Few Mr. Rights.
Там мечты становятся реальностью
It's 1968. The Suburbs. And in each little house with a Chevy in the driveway and a TV in the den, there are people with stories...families band together in laughter, hope, love and wonder (season 1)
She Had All The Answers... Until Now!
Неразбериха в голове ставит с ног на голову всю жизнь
When people say dreams don't come true, tell them about Rudy
Preapare for the ultimate identity crisis
Boy meets boy. Boy likes boy. Boy, oh, boy.
He found the girl of his dreams, he fell in love and he got married... to all three.