Turning twenty, Longing to love...
Monday Night Fever.
Set your dreams in motion.
Searching for America's favorite dancer.
A story with all the fire and fury of its two great stars!
Fun unlimited
JUST TEN BABY FINGERS AND TEN BABY TOES - TROUBLES? - SCANDALS? - GOSH - NOBODY KNOWS! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche- Broadway Thatre - Lubbock, Texas - Nov. 14, 1939 - all caps)
In the Super-Dreadnought of Musical Shows
Dancing to win
the tempting new comedy from the producers of «Latter Days»
Let's blow this joint into another space zone
There's the first one. There's the right one. And there's the one you never forget.
Anyone can make it if they know how to shake it