It's a kids show... with gangsters, bribery and corruption!
Rome. Before Christ. After Fellini.
In A World Where Love Isn't Always Safe, Trust Can Be Deadly
«SMASHING» thru the Excitement Barrier !
Bow down and prepare for DOOM!
Täglich nur noch bis Donnerstag auf tausendfachen Wunsch! Zum letzten Male! (Feiburger Zeitung, ((Freiburg, Baden-Wûrttemburg)) 11 Februar 1931)
Cleaning Up The Planet One Villain At A Time.
MEN DIE! WOMEN SIGH! Beneath that Batcape - he's all man!
You'll Die Laughing
Поймай ее, если сможешь
It's not just a city... It's a state of mind
Outgunned by the mob, outmanned by the cops..... their effects had _better_ be special!
You never know who they really are.
The creator of the celebrated "Torment" probes deep into the passions of a young girl...deep into the desires of two lustful men...deep into the drama and desperation of THE NAKED NIGHT
Spectacular car chases, an intense hostage crisis, wild animals rampaging through the city, and even more, will have you at the edge of your seat in... LOGORAMA!
From the pages of Spookshow International