The story of a woman...who thought she was a star so high in the sky no man could touch her!
A star at 15. A has-been at 17. Who says?
Greenwich Village, 1953. It was coffeehouses and high adventure, it was your first love and your best dream, it was girls who drank wine and your mother back home asking God to forgive you.
being a fag is a definite plus
Go ahead - laugh!
Constance Bennett pays for fame in «What Price Hollywood».
The movie was "Gone With the Wind" - the biggest movie of all time. Some actresses had stars in their eyes. Some moguls had stars on their couches. It was a game called casting. And before it was over - the intrigue would have all Hollywood guessing.
ha-ha! ha-haa! ha-ha! (repeated many times on the poster)
LINDA DARNELL in a picture thrilling and real, for it well might be the story of her own meteoric rise to fame! (Print Ad- Poughkeepsie Eagle-News, ((Poughkeepsie, NY)) 30 April 1940)
It Comes to the Screen Out of Life's Richest Emotions!