To Catch a Killer, You Must Think Like a Killer!.
Run from this man!
Together they explored and fulfilled each other's deepest and most erotic desires!
He who sheds others' blood will not return ... NOT EVEN HIS SOUL ...
There is no escape from something you cannot see
An Aria of Terror from the Maestro of Horror - Dario Argento
Once again, blood flows in the streets of Kanto!
Первый шведский фильм, запрещенный к показу в Швеции
The only thing stranger than this family is... Visitor Q.
The most dreaded Nazi of them all!
It's nine times more suspenseful!
No more pencils, No more books, No more teachers' dirty looks
Can you stomach it
Грани благопристойности под угрозой
A cop on the edge...